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Livraison offerte en France dès 90€ 🎁Retour gratuit étendu à 60 jours Réparation de vos pièces favorites En savoir plus Paiement en 2 à 3 fois par CB
Iconic boxer from Slip Français
Designed and built to last
Made of cotton and elastane for maximum comfort
3.5 cm elastic waistband which prevents it from rolling up
Double curve for optimal support
Double bottom for its robustness
An industrial revolution in the world of Slip. Eco-designed underwear manufactured on a large scale to revive our French industry while maintaining an excellent quality/price ratio.
A masculine ideal 100% made in France
Be proud of your Briefs.
KNITTING - France Moreuil (80) CONFECTION - France At GOOD NEWS, Aubervilliers (93) BELT ACCESSORY - France At BERTHEAS, Saint-Chamond (42) Learn more about product traceability